
Italian Flag Kebabs

Nice and easy healthy kebab-style snack to brighten up a lunchbox. Only minutes to prepare and a little taste of Italy in a box. (This can also be served in a little pot so that young children do not hurt themselves.) You will need some small barbecue skewers or cocktail sticks.

Serves:  2          Preparation Time:  5-10 minutes



  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 8 small cubes of mozzarella (if you cannot buy these in a pack, cut up a whole one)
  • 8 fresh basil leaves (if the children like them)


Thread the cube of mozzarella, then a basil leaf, followed by a cherry tomato on to the skewer, and repeat the process until you have used up the ingredients (2 pieces of everything on each skewer).


If the children like pesto, you could serve a little pot of this on the side for dipping. Serve with some small slice of pitta bread fingers.


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